Halo Reach Forge
Seemingly endless walkways cross in different directions and elevations causing players to choose which way is best to move. It may seem complex on the surface but its intuitive layout makes it easy to learn and perfect for free-for-all gameplay.
Design Goals:
- Create an asymmetrical map capable of supporting team-based games or free-for all modes
- Allow players many options for movement through complex pathing choices
- Design an interesting and intuitive layout that can be learned quickly

The map seems complex on the surface but it can be divided into 4-5 main walkways that loop around the whole play space and connect to each other. 3 main landmarks help orient players to their position.

The ramps leading up from the central platform are the main focal point on this map. They are what connects all of the possible walkways together and can lead to interesting battles as players try to move between pathways.

The main pathway, in yellow, loops around the outside edge of the map and connects to the top and bottom levels, making it an important path to take while remaining relatively safe on the outside.

Verticality becomes very important as players traverse the map. Players can get better sightlines to the other walkways if they get to the highest points on the map.

Many of the different paths connect to the others and create opportunities for players to be sneaky and take other players by surprise. The green path wraps around the back of the map and has many points where other pathways can drop down onto it, such as the purple path.

The center platform, while having access to all pathways, is one of the lowest points on the map and is very exposed to players who have higher ground.

Even geometry that isn't often thought of as walkable can be accessed by players to create more options, such as the top of this building that connects to two of the outside walkways.