Dev Blog July 27, 2020


Welcome back to the Little Squid Dev Blog!

We’re super excited to announce that steam has accepted our store page and game application - that means you can OFFICIALLY wishlist us on steam starting today! Right now! Yes, click right here, it’s real!!

Not only does wishlisting benefit you by keeping you up to date on releases, betas, community updates, and discounts but it also helps us out by telling Steam that people are interested in our game! The number of “wishlisters” we have directly affects how we’re featured in the Steam algorithm. Everything's an algorithm, folks.

Cool, how do I wishlist?

Great question, Brittney!  Simply log into your steam account, go to our page B-Side, and click that ‘Add to your wishlist’ button. Don’t have an account? Sign up here for free!

We’ve still got a ways to go, but are happy to have reached this milestone in development and it’s so cool to see something public facing on a platform we’ve used so much as players ourselves.

Thanks as always for coming on this journey with us ❤️🥺

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B-Side Arrives 2021
Follow our Indie Journey with us! @LittleSquidStudios
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© Little Squid Studios 2020